Monday, August 29, 2011

August 2011

Riley has been doing really great this summer. Since her surgery at the end of June she has recovered nicely and is doing really well with her feeds going directly into her stomach. She has even gained a pound :). She has been working hard in all her therapies and is steadily making improvements in alot of areas. And after we finally had all of the colds and surgery behind us, we have been enjoying the last few weeks of summer and spending alot of time at the pool. Riley can't get water higher than her belly button because of her g-tube and trach but we have a little boat floaty that lets her legs kick around in the water and she loves the pool. We plan to start back with Vital Stem Therapy again this fall and we are also going to be working on a few other things with her doctors as well but for right now we are just letting her enjoy the last little bit of summer with lots of tea parties and play time.

Another big update ... our church just broke ground on the new Celebration Church Arena at Baymeadows & 9A yesterday! This new building will be able to reach so many more people for Christ and will be the hub of all that Celebration Church is doing in Jacksonville and around the world. We are so very excited about this building project for a whole number of reasons, one of those being that there is going to a children's space devoted specifically to kids with special needs! Our AMAZING senior pastors, Pastor Stovall and Kerri Weems have a huge heart for children with special needs. Their vision for this new building is that it would be a place where EVERYONE feels welcome and can experience Christ on their level. We are so excited about the new special needs space and all that it will mean for Riley and so many other precious kids in our area. Riley went to the ground breaking ceremony with us yesterday to help celebrate the new building and all that God is doing in and through Celebration Church.

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