Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Thank you so very much to everyone who took part in the Riley 5k this past weekend! There was a great turn out and we raised a lot of money to go toward Riley's medical and nursing care expenses. It was so incredibly humbling for us to see so many people wake up early on a Saturday to come out in support of our family. We know we are super blessed to have many amazing people in our lives but to see the turn out of people, everyone wearing those pink "Running for Riley" stickers. . . well it was overwhelming to say the least. We were truly touched and we are so very thankful. We simply would not be able to give Riley the medical care she needs without the support of loving and giving people in our lives. The fact that she is still here, getting stronger and baffling her doctors, is because of God's faithfulness and the generosity of so many people who love her. It is such an odd and wonderful situation as her parents to know that we are kidding ourselves to think that Riley is just "our"daughter, she is being raised by a whole community of people. I only wish I could better express our gratitude that this little girl that we love more than anything in this world is so loved by all of you as well. Thank you!

Much Love,
The Turner Family

1 comment:

Valarie said...

You don't have to publish this. This is the only way that I know to communicate with you. :-) I follow your husband on twitter. I don't read every single tweet, but I caught the one the other day where he quoted you as saying, "I'm thankful to be worthy of a burden". I mean, WOW! That is amazing! Your daughter is so precious. My sister-in-law has cerebral palsy with severe mental retardation. She is essentially an 11 month old in a 32 yr old body. She crawls. She talks but we rarely understand her. She's had many visits to the hospital over the years. My MIL has spent her entire life taking care of her, even more so since my FIL died 19 months ago. You were right on...worthy of a burden is right! You are a strong warrior! I continue to pray for you guys!

I hope this doesn't seem weird, me communicating to you like this, b/c I know that I don't know you guys personally. I heard y'all's testimony at Motion and it has remained in my heart ever since.

Know that I'm praying for you! I hope that you guys have a great 2011!

~ Valarie